部门:77779193永利集团中文网 日期:2017-02-28 09:07:09 访问次数:2487次
March 21 09:00-11:00 | Lecture 1 The Neoliberal Commodification of Knowledge, Students, and the University Itself ·Prof. Adam Nelson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
March 22 09:00-11:00 | Lecture 2: Lifelong Learning Policy ·Prof. Arne Carlsen, Director of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) |
March 22 14:00-16:00 | Lecture 3: Educational System and Policy in India ·Prof. Jandhyala Tilak, President, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, India |
March 24 09:00-11:00 | Lecture 4: Vocational and Technical Education in Germany ·Prof. Harm Kuper, Director of Department of Education and Psychology, Free University Berlin, Germany |
March 24 14:00-16:00 | Lecture 5: Higher Education Policy in Germany ·Prof. Harm Kuper, Director of Department of Education and Psychology, Free University Berlin, Germany |
March 25 09:00-11:00 | Lecture 6: Educational System at University of Oxford ·Prof. Kim Plunkett, Former Dean of St Hugh's College, University of Oxford; Fellow of British Academy of Social Sciences |
TBD. (June) | Lecture 7: U.S Higher Education Policy in an Age of Trumpian Chaos: Exploring Key Policy Positions ·Prof. Robert Rhoads, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) |
TBD. (June) | Lecture 8: Entrepreneurialism and the American Research University ·Prof. Robert Rhoads, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) |
1. 研究生选修全英文课程并通过课程考核的,经学科、学院认定后,该门课程学分可作为学生所在专业的专业学位课学分。
2. 选修并通过两门及以上全英文课程,且考核分数在80分及以上者,可免修“研究生英语交流能力课程”并获得相应学分。
3. 通过一门全英文课程,且考核分数在80分以上的博士生,可免修本专业“专业外语课程”。